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New Moon and Full Moon in December: Yindalini Yoga

  December's Lunar Harmony: Kundalini and Yin Yoga under the Full Moon As December's winter chill embraces us, the celestial dance of the New and Full Moon offers a unique opportunity for renewal and reflection. At Shiva Cor Academy, we are excited to announce our special yoga sessions that marry the dynamic energy of Kundalini yoga with the serene depth of Yin yoga, in sync with December’s lunar phases. Cancer Full Moon: "Your feeling of safety is now related to your home, family, and related activities such as cooking and gardening. You may be prone to emotional fluctuations; you should learn to forgive and forget to avoid depression from overthinking about things. Your perception of the world can be very subjective; try to create a certain distance without being bitter. Due to your rich emotional manifestation, you can create a real sense of belonging in the world." Full Moon: Embracing Stillness with Yin Yoga and Meditations with Kundalini Yoga As the Full Moon il

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