Personal Training, Yoga, Core Stabilization, Resistance, White Rock, Surrey, BC

Personal training is an art of self-awareness as it is a way to evolve the body-mind connection, just like yoga. When working with clients, the goal is to encourage them to strengthen their tissues as much as it is to keep the body limber.

Nutrition is a priority when achieving strong body. How one receives protein is of great importance, it does not necessarily meat. Learning more ways to achieve a healthy diet is a practice that will become natural.

The DNA transforms as we build up more muscle, hence more protein. What comes with training the body is permanence from the inside and out. Changing your environment is as simple as a thought, and/ or a protein, and we all have the ability to change our DNA! These are facts, and not just theories. (The Biology of Belief - Dr.Bruce Lipton)

Ways One Can Train the Body
• Rehabilitation (recovering from an injury)
• Yoga (utilizing postures - asanas to heal and build)
• Resistance training (body and weight training)
• Core stabilization (deeper than the abs)

Healing Consciously Bodywork/ Trigger Point Treatments
Bishop Road;
White Rock, BC.

Coral-Lei Schweigert
• Owner of Shiva Cor Academy
• Kinesiologist from UBC (2000)
• Exercise Specialist
• Energetic Healer of Transvocal Revelations in Healing (since 2002)
• Former ACE and BCRPA Personal Trainer (since 1994)
• Yogi Practitioner since 1999

Call or text Coral-Lei @ 604-345-6545.

White Rock • Surrey • Langley • Delta • Cloverdale

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