Love Like You Are God

If you were God, how would you love?


When we think of love we think of a man and a woman or of a woman and her child. We understand this kind of love because of our experiences and associations with relationship. Rumi wrote of love and here is one of his many beautiful poems on love:

With love bitter things seem sweet
With love bits of copper are made gold
With love pains are as healing herbs
With love thorns become roses
With love vinegar becomes sweet wine
With love the scaffold becomes a bed
With love mishap seems good fortune
With love a prison seems a rose garden
Without love a garden is a desolate place
With love burning fire is pleasing light
With love the devil becomes an angel
With love hard stones melt like butter
Without love soft wax hardens like iron
With love poison turns into honey
With love lions are harmless as mice
With love wrath turns into mercy
With love the dead rises to life
With love the king becomes a slave

Upon awakening we have a chance to embrace the world and move through the eyes of a child and the heart of God. At this time we will become more gentle human beings.

Love like you have everything to give and nothing to lose. Love with an open heart. Love like tomorrow doesn't exist.


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