My Journey - I Love My World

December 18th/ 2008, my brain had inflamed out of control by a virus and my life was changed that day, forever. I was literally sent back in time on an adventure of reliving my childhood. At first, I saw this as an opportunity of a lifetime; a situation where I was happy regardless of the experience. I had no fear after the surgeries; I was blessed. I wasn't able to express myself with my words or my comprehension, I could not process without the use of my left brain, only with my heart.

Peace Arch Hospital was the first stop for this journey; that is when I found out that I needed to have a portion of my skull removed on the left side, temporal. That was on December 18th at Royal Columbia Hospital and the second surgery was on December 25 to remove a bit more skull. This is just start of a wonderful, confusing, rewarding journey.
(I need, and want, to acknowledge my family's commitment to my endless determination right from the word go!)

Thanks everyone!!!

update coming


Valerie Loseth said…
Hey Coral-Lei

Great blog. I'm really enjoying your posts. You have given me a lot to think about. Hope you're on the mend.

Val Loseth
violette said…
Oh i didn't know that you had this health issue to contend with.....i hope that your healing well. Sending you healing vibes.

Love, Violette xo

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