Energizing my life through experience

It is amazing to me that life gets better even though I am challenged with everyday happenstances. Something as simple as receiving feedback about my moving forward and how it effects people in different ways, has me enjoy the process even more. How can we allow people to change our lives unless we want too? And, why are we so inclined to hold onto old friends and acquaintances just because there is history? Or, are the new friends in our lives there to co-create with you?

From my experiences, there is no reason why to hold onto anything unless there is somethings to learn. I love learning and I know that the process is individual and timely. Each person is on their own path, with their own agenda. I know that for me there is a reason I create old friends who insist on separating themselves. I know that there is a reason for everything. I trust all that happens and that all is, is perfect. However, not everyone has these thoughts or knowings, and this is fine, not great, but still effective in its own regard.

It is not our business why people react differently. It all comes down to acceptance, allowing and forgiveness. It is only me that can do these things, and it is only me that can take the time and energy to create what I want. When I accept the circumstances of what is, it is not for the other person to benefit, it is about my life and how it creates ease and peace. These are my choices and it is not up to me to create an effect on others, it is God's will.

When I accept people, things, and my journey, I see my choice of the events in my life are here for a reason. Acceptance allows ease and ultimately peace. The antonym to accept is to reject, to throw back. This is a difficult path to choose, but is one that is taken often. I choose ease, and I accept my choices as my own. It is my responsiblity to myself to be happy, peaceful, and full.

To allow is giving permission to. It is a conscious choice. When I allow people to be in my life, or not, it is a choice I choose to make with ease. It doesn't mean that the process will be favorable, unless I am ready and willing to accept all that is. Can it happen without pain and suffering? Yes. Only if I accept and allow the feelings to be heard and felt within. Is this easy? Yes. It is a small step toward peace. Allowing only takes a moment of time when acknowledging what truly is there. The pain is rejection. The peace is within.

To forgive our self, and then others, is the biggest challenge (in that order). For me, to forgive is a duty or obligation to be happy. Again, it is easy when we accept and allow. To accept the duty (a moral commitment) of forgiveness brings the peace we are searching for. We can then pardon all 'wrongs' we experience in life without a heaviness in our heart. To forgive our self seems silly, pointless, and unheard of. To experience this is true bliss, ease, and peace; the ultimate purpose for living. Of course, the synonym of forgive is excuse, pardon, to renounce anger or resentment. This is my reason for forgiving myself and others, always.

My life is a journey of opportunities and experiences that come from within. I am blessed to know God and all that comes with it. I know God. I know Love. They are the same. They are one. We are One. We are within the experience of living. What we choose, accept and allow adds to our journey of life. What are you choosing?



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