Living My Truth

I went to my healer today, Linda Sedesky, and I re-learned something very important to me; walk my path, regardless of what others may think. My beliefs with health supersedes most layman's interests, let alone desires. And once one adds on my natural healing abilities with healing touch, it seems to intimidate people and may increase their fear.

Fear is inside, and most of us are challenged to see our true self. Reason? We do not like what we see, and/ or know. For instance, my lack of confidence in doing what comes natural for me is my fear of being seen as a true healer. What if... the mind chatters going on and on, making up stories in my head, only complicating life. The struggle continues to grow as we find excuses not to do what we truly love.

What makes me think that I am not good enough healer? When I compare myself to Linda, I feel less than her. Why? She is a person too, no better than me. The difference is she knows her truth. She lives without questioning it, without any doubt, therefore; she is great at what she does. Is it easy for her? When I called Linda to confirm the time of my appointment I asked her how she was doing? She replied, "I am going through something deep at the moment, and it is what it is." I am on the same page as Linda, and so I understand that whatever she is going through will benefit everyone, including me!

Today, I am reminded of my truth; to be the best healer I can be with compassion and love to do what I do best - body work! As well as inspiring others to be healthy. I love massaging with point holding, trigger point release, which is a gift because I also know what emotions are causing the pain. I feel it within my own body. I have been taught by many great healers, like Linda, so I coach people to not take every uncomfortable sensation and call it pain. Words are very powerful, so as long as you are labeling your pain, or recognizing it as pain, it will only become more painful.

Living the truth is a huge endeavour! I seek my truth. If it takes healing consciously, so be it!



PETER said…
living the truth is, indeed, a huge endevour.. i also seek my truth and i say: if it takes healing consciously: bring it on !!

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