My Clients - My Friends

Touching someone is a gift I give myself everyday. Imagine, The Energy Transfer between Human and Human Being. Breathtaking!

The connection is literally 90 milli-volts/ second from each individual muscle fiber! Yep, I actually said that, and I will take it even further and tell you a little about action potentials. But, first I care to ask if you think about the amount of energy you expend daily? Consciously? Sub-consciously? Changing thought patterns takes repetitive conscious thinking to become sub-conscious thinking. Never-mind the physical, mentally there are thousands of thoughts giving us energy, or depleting them. We can become aware of the thoughts, and recognize the madness within.

An action potential is a short event in which the electrical membrane rises and falls. There are potassium, sodium, and calcium channels that are constantly needed to complete a contraction (whether voluntary ~ skeletal muscles, or involuntary ~ smooth muscles.) The importance of electrolytes (minerals) is hands down number one! Who said salt is bad! It is one of the most important ingredients in food; it is the type of salt that is imperative! Himalayan salt has, naturally, 84 minerals!!! This is not in processed salts at all, and they are harmful to the body because they have been ripped apart and depleted of minerals; iodized:(
You may wish to bath in Himalayan salts it to relieve sore muscles.

When I tune into my client, and/ or my friend, I feel the muscle talking to me. I feel the physical vibration (heat or tingling), which is connected to emotion. Is it mine or theirs; my body feels the pain, emotion (energy-in-motion), and it takes full concentration to know the difference? When my client is focused with the connection, which deepens with conscious breathing, the dual effort is profound.

The gift that my clients give me is priceless and undescribable. I am sure you know that you are an unique individual, whom is always absorbing or repelling energy. Negative or positive is just a perception. Judge not, negative has as many benefits, as does positive. Become an observer of your thoughts. Whether it be a knotted muscle, an unexplained injury, or a saddened heart, we both are there to observe the body, mind, and the energy releasing and transforming, continuously.

Food for thought... There are 4 functional characteristic of muscle:
  • Contractility - refers to he capacity of a muscle to forcefully contract or shorten;

  • Excitability - muscles responsed to stimulation by a nerve or hormones;

  • Extensibility - muscles can be stretched to their normal resting length and beyond to a limited degree

  • Elasticity - if muscles are stretched, they recoil to their original resting length.

A Good Source of Calcium would be leafy greens (spinach, beet greens, and Swiss chard).


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