An Invitation for People with Brain Injuries, White Rock, BC

I am so compelled to share my experiences with those who do not have the support needed to heal. My story is unique, and I believe that my brain virus was a gift with a purpose.

There are many people whom have had, or do have, a traumatic injury, like mine, and due to whatever reason there is not enough support to heal. The idea of conjuring up motivation, a program for what is appropriate for their own injury, support (which equals love), and determination and will to live, requires a higher power to intervene. This higher power is always available. Whether it is your higher self, a friend with the compassion to be involved, or God who is everywhere, the key is to step out of your own way, ego, and trust you are not alone, ever!

Okay, maybe this is a lot of talk about things you aren't ready to hear yet. Either way, I want to invite you to share a story about someone you may know that is in a position where hope is not present. I have received some messages already and I know it is time for me to play my role as healer.

I am gifted with experience, education, knowledge, loving support, and compassion to lead others. Help me find these people that need love, support, and an ear to listen. When I was in the hospital for three months, I couldn't walk (paralyzed on my right), talk (my speech took a year to come back), and I forgot my life! Good thing people knew I was a vegetarian, I had a 4 year old daughter, and I love YOGA!!! But, with all this knowing about my history, the fact was that I was changed forever.

Please be careful when planting words into the injured person's psyche. We all know how powerful words are. And when someone is frail, dependent, and vulnerable, be kind to not reinstate the negative thoughts. They will come back in time, unfortunately.

My offer is for all those in need to heal. I am not limiting it to brain injuries, considering my profession is a body worker/ lifestyle coach as an Registered Kinesiologist. Listening is one thing I do well. My inability to speak was a true gift. Even when I had something to say, it was lost in processing due to the swelling of my left brain. My beautiful right brain had no training until this opportunity arose. The right brain is way different than the left. Please google right brain vs left brain to learn more.

Let's help those souls that cannot help themselves. My family and friends were a rock for me, there everyday! Wow, do you realize what kind of commitment that takes? I am willing to go into hospitals to visit a stranger who needs love. My purpose supersedes my need to make money. Money has been a huge topic for me, considering I am a single parent with no mattress full of dough. I trust the process as I know that I am always taken care of. This mission is driven from my heart in hope that I touch someone in need, like I was.


Anonymous said…
We are 2 peas in a pod.... :)

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