Old Patterns - New Beginnings

Time has a great way of being, because it keeps moving forward without a question of when or why. Time is here so we may look at it from a true perspective, without judgement, or fear. If we were to put one foot forward before the other, and trust that we are taking care of, and have faith, all will be the way it is supposed to be.

People have asked me, "Why are you not manifesting? I have always known you to manifest what you want." I took a look at this very important question, and I realized I was in a lot of fear. And then, a light bulb went off! I had lost my faith. I was reading and following too many things that took me away from my own judgement, and intuition. I was led astray, only to find my way again.

There are many people with a lot of knowledge, and opinions, but it is up to you, and me, to know what is truth. Ultimately, there is no wrong unless we make it that way. If it seems less than best for you, and me, then it probably is not the choice we want to be making. However, there are many reasons we choose this 'off' path. The choice may lead to something spectacular, and it may be discovered by veering the 'wrong' way, and may appear to be the long way around, however, it still is just a choice.

I had a question, "Why do I continue to be on this path, repeatedly, and how will the pattern stop?" I sit to listen to the answer. Old patterns, as well as old behaviors, need new beginnings. If I continue to repeat what doesn't serve me, and still provide me with some results I want, then how will anything change? I know that the change will happen eventually, since change is inevitable, but it may happen much slower.

Perhaps there is a perfect pattern of what I am learning, and it may take me longer than I what I think I want, or what others may think is best for me. Is this a negative thing? Only if I continue to complain about it without any action. So, now I act. I move toward something in a new way, yet, is it really new? Perhaps when I do a certain thing in a more simple way, with ease, that is new. Possibly, it is doing things in a certain way by acting in a certain way.

Wallace D. Wattles who wrote a book, The Science of Getting Rich, says, "A man's way of doing things is the direct result of the way he thinks about things. To do things in a way you want to do them, you will have to acquire the ability to think the way you want to think; this the first step toward getting rich."

Everything starts with a thought. Thoughts are the creative power that enables us to move, to act. As I learn more about doing things in a certain way, I choose to learn more about me, and what is holding me back - getting in my own way! These thoughts are powerful, however, they simply cannot manifest by thought alone.

Wattles states, "By thought, the thing you want is brought to you; by action you receive it."




Rita Britnell said…
Hello Coral-Lei,

I have always known you to look deeper and follow your highest and best good in the time I have known you. It is in my nature to invite people to feel deeper into their being and you have always met me in this place and been willing to feel your emotions to access truth and act on it.

While there may not be outer changes and manifestations present to see by others, I see you have learned to love yourself fully, meaning the back and front of your heart is fully open now. This change in itself is a rare one for many humans on this planet have not learned how to. Many spend much of their time in the thinking and intellectual mind. You are present in your body, and hence anyone in your field and receiving your body work is taken to a deeper place within by your sheer energy field/presence. You also have learned and are doing the Mer-ka-ba meditation, and providing you do it regularly, it in itself raises your frequency and assists anyone in your field.

The other benefit is to your daughter, which is also huge in itself. We have parents coming to see Thomas and I, and many have not learned how to love themselves, or were not as kids years ago. This vibrational shift alone allows your daughter to line up with you providing her with a solid foundation of LOVE....you are the energetic model....

The other point I would like to make is that while I see you looking at what is in the way, we cannot always access those pieces on our own. Our own self gets in the way...tricks us, and we sabotage...what if we really get what we want....and we allow to let go of old story...old self...at times it is helpful to have mirrors around us to support and be willing to see the blind spot....and then ahhhhh....yes....release the old pattern....emotion...energy...that may be locked in our emotional body.....when we are willing to go there...

WE ALLOW FOR MORE FREEDOM, JOY, ABUNDANCE, AND THAT WHICH TRULY SUPPORTS US for our highest good. That may also not look like what the Ego thinks it wants...but what Spirit knows is really right for us. In Divine Timing, Divine Order...as long as we continue to visualize, pray, and clear the emotional body....it comes to us....Build it and they will come!

I know this to be true in my own experience and life....and currently opening to allowing even more good and abundance myself...opening up the gates of knowing I am deserving of Abundance, Financial and otherwise....

In loving Support of my dear Sister,
Awakening of the Divine Feminine

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