Is your body acidic?

This is the moment I have been waiting for; a dream of taking a product that will help heal the planet! I have been searching for something that can make it easier to keep balanced, besides my goal to have everyone meditate and do yoga:) I have been studying on being alkalized since 2006, knowing that acidity in our body's is killing us. This is a dream built around an alkalized product, 7.2, which is the ideal pH. 

Our acidic lifestyle choices, from stress to diet, can be as simple as an alkalized product that will bring people back to our natural way of being. Do people want to stop drinking coffee? I don't think so, but with the amount of coffee we do drink, even just one, the body suffers immensely! My goal is not to change people's drinking habits, as I do enjoy a cup of java myself, but to make it alkalized. It not only taste better, but by removing the acid in any cup of coffee will stop the madness of an acidic environment inside the body. It only takes one drop, maybe two (depending on the kind of coffee, and the type of water being used) to balance out the pH. My ideal coffee is fair trade and organic, with my water filter from Amega, which is alkalized and energized, however; not everyone will do this with ease (money, choice, knowledge....). 

So, what is pH anyway? Remember chemistry, where acids have a pH value below 7, basic (alkaline) above 7, and neutral solutions have a pH of exactly 7 (pure water has this pH - no additives). The biggest effect on pH is how the tissues experience it. Lemons, for instance, are a citrus acid food, but the body's effects are very alkalizing to the tissues, therefore, the effect is rewarding and creates a happier, healthy body!

When we talk about stress, we think about the body and how WE react to our different stressors, such as; thoughts, emotions, events like moving and divorce, food and beverage. We know that thinking positive is one way to lower the stress, and meditation (breathing consciously) will also help bring more balance to the body. These different types of interventions are very valuable, and people are starting to wake up all over the world. Everyone is on their own path; a journey of choice and acceptance. Choosing foods that are encouraging the body to heal, not dis-ease, and accepting, without judgment of oneself or others, is the ideal way to live. 


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