Ho'oponopono ~ I finally get it!

It happened again, another BIG WOW in meditation last night with Medical Intuitive Thomas Moore and Rita Britnell from the Harmony Healing Centre.  http://www.thomas-moore.com

Last week, I was able to hear messages from my Higher Self, and this week was a simple observation of my 'self' and all the parts I could not accept. This may sound strange and foreign, but please bear with me as I do my best to explain more.

I use the smaller s for self to describe my ego, and to delineate from the Higher Self; the One true connection with God with no doubt nor fear. All that aside, let me talk about my experience in meditation. I will do my best to keep it short and to the point.

In meditation last night, after Thomas led us down this path to a cave of crystals I visualized sitting and being peaceful in this space I had created with his guidance. It was like I was drifting, however; I was in very deep meditation with no thought to be had. What felt like only moments after sitting, I visualized a large police woman who appeared out of nowhere. I experienced her to be gentle with the utmost kindness I can ever imagine a police officer to be. This startled me to come back to my reality, meaning I was jolted into awareness of this thought.

My ego started to ask questions as to why did a cop enter my meditation? Was 'I' the cop? Knowing that in a dream state it is usually the dreamer that is being told a message. Instantly, I went back into being an analyst of my own story; this is where I remembered being told from my family years back, and even last summer, about me being the 'food police'. Yes, I am the food police, and I can own that now, considering I am very conscious of what I put into both mine and my daughter's body.

Then, I thought about my beautiful daughter who is turning 8 on leap year, and how I was feeling the need to control her response to others, which, of course, hasn't even happened yet. So, control issues, which goes hand-in-hand with what Thomas had brought to my attention in the session that I had from him last week before meditation; my need to be in control.

My big WOW, though, was from early before the meditation when I had gone to help my dear friend with some computer stuff. She had shown me the word ho'oponopono, and what was written below it were four, simple sentences that I had seen many times from many different people and sources, including facebook. I was aware of this wise Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness, and I just 'had' to comment on how 'us' Canadians say 'I am sorry' way too much and way too easily without much care and attention about what and/ or why they are actually saying "I am sorry".

I truly didn't get it until I was sitting in this meditative state seeing myself as a gentle police woman, judging, and resenting me for being that way, when I began to say the words of this amazing mantra:

   "I am sorry; Please forgive me; Thank you; I love you."

At first, the last two statements didn't come into my memory right away until I repeated, "I am sorry, please forgive me" a few times. Then, a noticeable tear fell down my cheek. This is when I remembered, with ease, Thank you, I love you.

That is when the real deep breathing had to happen to prevent a total outbreak of sobbing! I did ok to contain myself as I cried gentle, all the while having Thomas right beside me rubbing my back, consoling me and providing me with tissues... as my tears kept running. I kept on with this repetitive mantra until I was all cried out with only one big sob, which I am told no one heard (ya right).

All in all, I was talking to my ego, my lower self, if you will. I finally understood all the heartache I have been carrying for all these years as I witnessed others judging me, and didn't recognize that I was my worst judge.

During the final walk back to the elevator, I couldn't stop smiling! It was as if a light was shining on me and peace and bliss were mine to own once again. Once Thomas had brought us back to the room, I burst out laughing, free from my self. Happy and joyful, once again.

Take the time to read a little about this Hawaiian tradition. It is truly amazing to me that my chosen name, Coral-Lei, has the same name in it as this necklace below. I feel honored that my mother had chosen my name with Lee spelled Lei, without realizing how it has moved me 41 years later. It is also the family karma that is another great reason for me to love ho'ponopono.

Thank you Mom! I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.


A lei made from the fruit of the hala or pandanus tree.
A hala lei was given at the completion of hoÊ»oponopono 
in the tradition of kahuna Makaweliweli of Molokaʻi


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