Kinesiologist Services, White Rock, BC


• Kinesiologist from UBC (2000)
• Exercise Specialist
• Yin Yoga Teacher
• Energetic Healer of Transvocal Revelations in Healing (since 2003)
• Former ACE and BCRPA Personal Trainer (since 1992)
• Yogi Practitioner since 1999

“As the survivor of a near-fatal brain virus, I know how intricate and complex the body is, and its innate ability to heal itself. As a kinesiologist, I have learned about every muscle, joint, nerve, and system to discover how interconnected these systems are when the body is out of balance. As I healed from my brain injury, I employed a series of self-therapies that I believe have given me new insight into healing, and have transformed my practice.
I am on a mission to enhance people's health, by showing them these simple but powerful techniques for self-healing. My mission is to transform lives, raise consciousness, and create new paradigms. If we all strive for radiant health and self-realization, the world will be at peace and be One. I shall continue one soul, one body, one heart at a time”

Call or text Coral-Lei 
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