Journey of Self with music by talented Theda Phoenix, and Coral-Lei Jane's trigger point release with yin yoga, at Just For You Wellness Studio in Surrey, BC.
Once you've chosen a healing process, and believe me when I say that there are so many great paths and people to learn from, creating a simple way to heal and open up the body and mind will eventually become enlightening.
Healing is an active and internal process that includes investigating one's attitudes and beliefs with the desire to release all negative patterns. When one examines the internal assessment one needs to review the external situation in an effort to recreate one's life in a way that serves to heal. This will become more clear to see how energy has been used and then transformed for the creation of love and health.
Healing is an active and internal process that includes investigating one's attitudes and beliefs with the desire to release all negative patterns. When one examines the internal assessment one needs to review the external situation in an effort to recreate one's life in a way that serves to heal. This will become more clear to see how energy has been used and then transformed for the creation of love and health.
In the Journey to Self workshop, you will begin this journey as quickly or as slowly as it comes to you. As a group, we will begin this journey with the talents offered by Theda Phoenix through her amazing music and meditation.

Coral-Lei Jane will then guide you and the group to delve into the physical portion of healing through Yin Yoga. To assist with that one thing that most people can accept in healing is the physical process. The most simple way to do this in this workshop is to discover how old pains can be released through accessing your own trigger points TrPs* with balls and props. This process of healing may be the beginning of clearing old or new pains that are locked in the tissues, which is sometime not dealt with for years!
* trigger points are more defined in this site
To begin the solo act of healing, releasing TrPs can be like unleashing held up memories of blocked energy in the tissues. As you learn more about the simplicity of doing TrP work on yourself, you may feel more empowered knowing that the freedom of pain and discomfort is quite easy, and definitely financially rewarding to do on your own.
An added bonus to this workshop is to tap into creative writing (if you so choose) for extra healing. You will find that using your own personal, provided journal can assist by keeping a simple track of your healing.
Let's deepen the connections between mind and body and let go of those old stories that have been holding you back from healing.
To register for the Journey to Self workshop please contact:
Just For You Wellness Studio
Phone: 604-599-5561
or Coral-Lei Jane:
Phone: 604-345-6545
Date: Saturday July 20th, 2013
Location: Just For You Studio at 6195-136 Street Surrey, BC.
Time: 1 pm - 4 pm
Cost: $40/person without TrP manual; $65/person with TrP manual, (there will be 10 available at the workshop).
Please eat light, dress in light sports wear (layer for comfort) and be hydrated (which means drink water the day prior and the day of the workshop).
An itinerary will be provided as well as and a complementary journal to log your journey to self. Also provided is some light refreshments.
Maximum 15 people.
* As defined by Travell and Simon, a trigger point (TrP) is a collection of muscle cells that are in a continuous state of full contraction, also known as a "muscle knot". See greater detail in the blog.