Massages at Camp Fircom

I have been holding onto this story for my blog for way too long! My plan was to share about the difficulties and hardships to get to Camp Fircom. With my busy workload and life, and never-mind my procrastination with wanting my words to be ever so right, I came up with a lot of reasons why not to post this at all. When I heard and saw the disaster Camp Fircom had endured with the fire that had destroyed the dining all, my heart for my story changed. 

My good friend Crystal goes to Gambier Island often, not only to assist in bringing ideas and joy the camp, but also to volunteer her time, passions, and unconditional love to help create a bountiful place to be. Crystal's excitement when describing this amazing camp had me wanting to take Ashana. My daughter and I join Crystal and her two kids for a one night camp adventure. I am still stupefied on how much struggle to get to Camp Fircom I created in my mind. 

I was asked August 8th to massage as many moms as I could handle in the one day I was available. I am not sure as to why, but it felt like a great leap to let go of my control to get to Gambier, which is a distance from White Rock. There were so many hurdles to cross, such as; finding the water taxi that was reserved for us, packing my table, linen, goodies to share with others (like books and more knowledge about the clients pain.... however many people that would be?), our clothes and toiletries, and above all having the confidence that my ride would come and gather all my stuff that I had brought for just that one day!

It astounds me how my fears and crazy thoughts had me almost change my mind on going. My schedule was already tight, knowing that I needed to get back to the mainland to teach and massage the very next day. Knowing my daughter would be without me on this amazing week designated to moms and their kids, I needed to trust that she will be taking care of.

In short, our time at Camp Fircom was truly the day of the summer we will never forget. Ashana loved it all, as she still sings the songs she learned at the camp. The 9 massages I gave in 6 hours was something I will always remember. With amazing staff and moms to share my love with, the island and the events they offer are worth going back time and time again. 

We are both looking very much forward to staying longer next time. Knowing that the hard work and effort needed by many volunteers to help build a new kitchen and dining area, might just bring us back sooner than expected. Good luck Camp Fircom. You have an amazing camp for many. Thank you for your kindness and love. Namaste.  

                             Tricia Bruce with my favorite tree, Arbutus.


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