Pain As Your Messenger

Rewriting your body chemistry is not only possible, it is what will help you create a new way of Being. Living. Feeling. 
Start with changing your perception on what you think you know. 
Know this, Everything is Possible.
Where is your pain?
Hips, back, neck and shoulders? Maybe you feel pain everywhere - and you even have a name for it,
perhaps a label like fibromyalgia, do you believe it, or were you just told that is what it is?

What do you do for pain relief?
Tylenol, advil, massage, chiropractic care?

Why are you in pain?
Car accident, fall, sports injury, or stress?

How often do you think about your pain?
As soon as you wake up or when you move a certain way?
How long have you been in pain?
Why are you still in pain?
Have you been pro-active in eliminating your pain?

We all know that pain is caused from something.
We also know that drugs suppress pain.

If almost every cell in your body is replaced with new cells within one to two years (including bones, muscles, organs and blood), then why are you still in pain? If the doctor cannot determine the cause of your pain after all the tests, then what can you do differently to be pain-free?

Have you tried to:

  • eat 70 - 85% whole, raw, live food daily;
  • eliminate sugar, wheat, dairy and meat (at least for a couple of weeks);
  • exercise every day to move your blood so the toxins can be carried away;
  • think differently - replacing positive thoughts with negative ones;
  • ask a professional in an area you have not explored?
    • Reiki
    • Shiatsu
    • Massage
    • Reflexology
Okay, applying all these changes will not be immediate, or even easy. So perhaps you can start with something more simple, like, when it hurts, try not to talk about it. Become less victimized by your pain. Tell yourself it is getting better. Replace the doom and gloom with something that feels good, like taking a warm, salt bath, going for short walks, or getting to know your body better with self-massage or gentle touch. 

At the very least...

Fake it until you make it!!!


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