How to make your dreams come true... Alignment Based Hatha Yoga , Daniel Clements YTT 2014

Can I learn again and remember all I need to become a yoga teacher?

In facing many old fears, I finally completed a longstanding dream of mine. I spent all of August doing an intense Hatha Yoga training to become certified with a wonderful and talented teacher, Daniel Clement.  He has taught me more than I can ever share in words alone. The one thing I know for sure is that with Dan's constant repetition in doing a daily practice, connecting to source through music, breath, meditation, and asana, which is all yoga, my life has been changed forever. I have now found newness in healing consciously.
2014 Hatha Yoga Teacher Training
I had read a book that was graciously left to me from a dear friend and amazing yogi. His act of sharing 'How Yoga Works' has inspired me to continue to help others heal through the most natural way I know and love, and that is yoga.

My motivation to become a yoga therapist originally came from reading Desikachar's 'The Heart of Yoga'. His well-known and respected father, Krishnamacharya, is regarded as the most influential yoga teachers of our time. He was a yoga therapist teaching one and one with simple yoga postures that helps many people heal their ailments with a daily practice. Following my message in learning more, I am living my dharma, my true purpose.

Coral-Lei still teaches at Vayusha, Nourish, other studios and her home in White Rock.

Dan Clement assisting Coral-Lei in an active (yang) pigeon (rajakapotasana)


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