A Guide to Freedom

There is a progressively moving world all around us. If we choose to stop and take a look at it from the outside-in, we can see more of the truth that is ultimately within us. Granted, to do that requires a non-reactive mind. A peace within that doesn't have much to do with the thinking mind. I have been 'trying' to meditate daily. Hence, the word try because all of us who are 'trying' to seek enlightenment, knows that it's no easy task to quieten the ongoing chatter in our minds.

This is what I have been 'trying' to accomplish:

1. Yoga every day. Yoga is the science of the mind. This is the only way I know how to curb the noise in my head. Yoga shows me how to start the day with breathing. I only think about my breath (not an easy task).

2. Trying not to think. Of course, yoga is the best way for me to silence the mind. When I start to think I allow the chatter in my mind to be, then I return to my breath. Start with long, slow inhales, followed by long, slow exhales in and out through the nose. Be conscious of the body heating up. Breathing is natural, but I often forget. Focusing on an object and not allowing distractions in by just breathing, really works.

3. Judgments are great for seeing yourself. When you are being hard on yourself, not being kind to little you, there are old emotional scars that come up when doing yoga. This is why yoga, specifically hot yoga, is the ultimate self-realization. Yoga in front of a mirror. The postures in yoga strengthen, tone, and lengthen muscles and tissues by working on flexibility and isometrically contracting muscles.

Body - Mind - Emotion - Soul

Be patient. There is no destination. Let your breath guide you to freedom.


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