New Evening Classes: Yin Kundalini Yoga Classes with Trigger Point Myofascial Release , White Rock, BC
Shiva Cor Academy fall Hours
Yin Yoga
What to bring:
- a mat - recommend bringing yours, yet extra mats provided;
- a water bottle - preferably, tea and filtered water available;
- a nourished body is a happy body - hydrated with a nourished tummy, just NOT full.
- Park in the driveway on an angle in the trees.
Go in the breezeway straight behind the parking where it’s all the couches
Studio is the glass door on the right - the door will be open.
So awesome 👏
Please contact Coral-Lei to guarantee your spot.
The first class is complimentary. Cash, check, e-transfers, visa, MasterCard
What is Yin Yoga?
75-minute Yin Yoga class involves a relaxed practice of floor postures
that are held from three to five minutes at a time. There are fewer
postures, called asanas, in the yin style of yoga, as are found in more
active (yang) styles where there are approximately three dozen poses. In
a 75 minutes yin yoga class, you can expect to do an average of 6-10 poses.
yoga is open to all levels of students, ranging from beginner to advanced practitioner, and is a perfect complement to a more active
style of yoga, such as power yoga or ashtanga.
Why Trigger Points with Yin Yoga?
Psoas Release with Tennis (helps with low back pain) |
I have been working with people to help release trigger points for many years, and know that exercise following a trigger point treatment is
a no-no. The reason is obvious. When a knotted tissue is just released it really needs a good long break. It is imperative to not send the muscle back into its contracted state.
There needs to apply caution when doing this style of yoga. An eager student pushing too hard and too fast can prevent the blissful release, and even create potential injury. Remember, that yin means no movement or muscle use, which is opposite to yang, where there is a need for muscle contractions. To truly feel the benefits of yin yoga one needs to slow down and feel the gentle stretch that occurs naturally with no push.
Sphinx Pose (lower elbows if back tight) |
we think of stretching we think we ought to be feeling the deep stretch. The
danger with too much sensation is the issue here. The potential damage is to the now open
and ready tissue for a great stretch. Take it easy in Yin Yoga. Injury can happen quickly and may take a while to recover from. Go slow with a gentle stretch and you'll win every time!
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Psoas and iliacus |
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Frog Pose (opens the groin - please don't go too deep)
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Caterpillar Pose (this a great low backstretch with slightly bent knees) |
Coral-Lei on purpose |
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Massage will travel (Gambier) |
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Animal friendly (cat lives here) |