I Am a Catalyst...

I cannot express this enough - yoga is, and always will, enhance my life!

I love living and loving... it's a on-going project:)

I respect silence. It is an on-going project, as well...

Being a good Teacher is natural and warm;

Being a good Student is rewarding and easy;

Being is Simply Being; a Moment of Bliss.

The catalyst is always increasing the rate of a reaction without changing its properties.

I know I am a catalyst; I've always been a catalyst for many people. I love to show people an easier way of doing things: stretching, strengthening, being pain-free, preventing pain from injuries and/ or bad posture. Simple techniques are available to manage your uncomfortable sensations. It is a choice of commitment for knowledge and well-being. It takes discipline and determination.

The thing I learned the most from my family, and always Frankie, is that I had to come first! I had to come first to do what I am doing. I wasn't comfortable with this thought, and I am still learning what it is like to be number one in my life. I am doing this for my benefit. I have given 'me' permission to be selfish, or self-loving. I read, write, type, and talk to practice getting stronger. I will continue reconnecting my brain and body; the gateway to healing my injury.

I was given a gift of freedom and entrapment. I have felt both equally; both have great value. As I reconnect, I witness the power to choose what I want to receive. This is freedom. I have a choice to identify with all things, or not, and keep them in my life; or if I want, choose a different way.

I had read this in a book called, My Stroke of Insight. I read it when I was discharged from Eagle Ridge, March 11/09, but it took a couple months to get through. Focusing on a story was a challenge. If you haven't read this book yet, I encourage you to enlighten yourself. She had her left brain operated on to remove a blood clot, it was a stroke. She is a neuroscientist and after 8 years she returned too 100% recovery! Needless to say, I am inspired by her book.

I now know that we can create a life based on the present, and not the past or future. I have come across old beliefs that I don't buy into anymore. I realize that I can be whatever I tell myself; nothing is permanent, unless I choose it to be. The freedom is the choice; the entrapment is my thinking. I thought I was supposed to be all I that I had shown people, including myself; vegetarian, raw foodist, all natural... dogmatic. When they told me I was vegetarian I was hm, oh, okay, if you say so.

I know entrapment. When I was at the Royal Columbia, I was trapped in mind with no thoughts. I didn't know right from wrong; this is what I now know as bliss. I didn't know how to think. I relied on people I knew and trusted. I trusted that they knew me and what I wanted; however, little did I realize I didn't trust me and what I thought I wanted. I am not buying into much these days. I do love everything. And when I am not loving, I am trusting that to be okay too. I know about hate. It is just was valid as love. It is not negative, it just is. I hated physio at times. I hated speech therapy; especially in the Royal Columbia because it was very hard to do. I hated missing my puppy who died at 16 years of age, 5 days after Ashana was born. I hated not being able to spell dog, never mind say it. I couldn't handle the fact that I couldn't say Ashana's name - or spell it. What was her dad's last name?

I love that everything has returned to normal, well, for me it is normal. I love the fact that I have recovered at lightening speed. I know that things will never be as they were. I love that too. I will continue to reconnect my brain and body and all that comes with this journey. The thought of this journey ending doesn't seem possible; I love that it won't end - just transform, evolve, and be.

The catalyst is always increasing the rate of a reaction without changing its properties. I'm still me - new and improved, but that must change too!


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