Being Mindful

To be anything is still being. It is just a thing. It may feel like a label, to be this or that, and it certainly is whatever I make it to be, but where do we go from here? Is judgment so intertwined inside that to be free of our own judgment keeps us locked up? Is our minds so powerful that we are restricted by our own thoughts? How do we keep loving unconditional? How do I be kind, to me?

The chatter in my head is unstoppable, unless I choose it to stop. Is it that easy? Is it possible to only focus on the breath, in and out, continuously, without holding the breath, without holding onto anything?

If I change my mind to not react to my ego, and let go of the fear, will I feel peace?

Do we need to be anything? Have you been telling yourself, 'this is who I am.'? Why? What makes you identify with that part of you?

Being mindful is an art of being. Mindful is observing, thoughtful, attentive, and careful. Being silent in order to listen more is a science. Yoga is the science of the mind. Not trapping the thoughts inside but allowing them to exist.


Peace Within


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