Life is a Journey

It is amazing how life gets carried away with us. No matter what we do there is always a better way to be. People have many things to share with me, and I`m forever grateful for the one`s who either do understand or are trying to understand.

Perspective, according to the dictionary, is a specific point of view in understanding things or events; the ability to see things in a true relationship. I do `understand` all that I have endured, however; most people have no idea where I am coming from. How can they, not everybody has had a brain virus? Thank god, but there are many benefits that I would love to share with you.

1. I returned to being an infant, December 18th, 2008. I could not walk, talk, and process anything! I was paralyzed on the right, because my left side was compromised with a swelling brain, the size of a softball.

2. I experienced bliss! The true meaning of bliss; great happiness and spiritual joy.

3. I experienced every age returning very quickly at an alarming rate. I think I returned to my present age, of 39, on December 22, 2009. My teenage years were happening from March til July (a long time for an adult to re-experience something so life changing). Sorry mom and dad:), to put you through it again.

4. I have the gift of knowing my ego. I just published a comment given to Healing Consciously from an anonymous reader. He or she had wrote:

Remembering that life is a journey, not a destination should help you to clothe
the disappointments you may feel from lack of completion. The accomplishments of
life must be revered above all for that is where inner peace is derived, a wise
sage once said.

Thank you for sharing your wisdom. I agree. I have come to a place of acceptance, many times. That comment was at the end of my 90 day challenge; the time in which I got to see my ego first hand. Not too many people are so blessed. We must experienced it over and over again to really understand it. Yoga is an amazing journey on its own, the science of the mind. I had completed the 90 days, WOW!!!

There is so much more to document. I will do my best to keep up with my blog and to share the greatness that I continue to experience on my journey. Thank God there is no actual destination!!!


Hey friend happy valentine day & chinese new year, u hv a nice blog here, nice to meet u, wish all the best to u 6-^

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