Mer-Ka-Bah (Meditation), White Rock, BC

Mer-ka-bah is a profound meditation that is a tool that helps humans reach their full potential. The energy field of the human body is not simple. It is the shape of a tetrahedron which is the opening to higher consciousness. Basically, all possibilities are based on geometry and knowledge.

Mer = light
Ka = spirit
Bah = soul (refers to the interpretation of reality in the realm in which they exist).

Mer-Ka-Bah means means spirit/ body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light and it is an interdimensional vehicle to reach other realms. This requires a teacher with guidance. Enjoy the video above.

I have been building my Mer-Ka-Bah since July 21st/ 2010, and my experience is life changing. The world I am now in is enhancing my spiritual growth. This was my initial goal, and now with my ongoing meditation I am finding that all parts of life are effected. I can attest to the great changes my life has undergone. Love is flowing freely in my universe. I truly love my life!!! Does that mean it is easy? Only if I do not dwell on my sensations of discomfort. There is a continuous letting go and accepting with each moment in the day.

I wake up and the first thing I do is to remember my dreams with gratitude for the night and the upcoming day to come. I take this moment to thank my guides for watching over me, and I send them continuous love! When I do my Mer-Ka-Bah first thing, my day is set with the intention of feeling my needs and then tapping into the needs of others. I had discovered zero point energy in February 2010. This recognition of healing within was brought home to me. Now, I use the tool of zero point energy to remember all possiblities, for myself and others.

Zero point energy is the way that had brought me freedom, freedom of physical pain. This source energy is free, and with my new meditation I am learning about the power from within. The beauty of this energy is how it has given me the confidence to tap into my own inner powers. By putting my body into homeostasis, I am free; free of pain, worry, and happy from the inside-out:)


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