Does being raised 'that way' make you who you are?

It is time to change the way we think and live. The world is changing quickly; from warmer climates to mass production of animals and food. Our limitations on thinking in regards to how we eat is dampening our consciousness and harming the environment. Just because you were 'raised' that way doesn't mean you reserve a right to continue to 'be' that way.

Choosing to eat meat and potatoes is not about to change, and it doesn't have to. There are many choices and cultures to learn from that are beautiful. Outdated lifestyles are excused by little knowledge and awareness; something that we have control over with learning a few specific things.

We eat without knowing what we are doing, such as, eating until we are full or having a sense of fullness in the stomach. The lack of awareness is not knowing the feeling of healthy eating and eating just to be full. There are retreats and courses around the world that are teaching people how to eat consciously, such as; learning the technique of food combining as a very scientific and smart way to eat.

Thinking about what we are mixing together and how food affects one another inside of the body brings us closer to understanding our body and its needs. Meat should be eaten with salad, starches should be eaten with vegetables. These are simple guidelines to follow. Keep variety low, eat just a few types of foods in one sitting. Never mix melons with other fruit (cantaloupe, honeydew, papaya and mangoes). These are one of the fastest digested foods and will rot in the body if mixed.

Food combining can be fun and adventurous; here are some examples:

1. Do Not Neutralize Your Digestive Fluids
  • Protein foods require the acidic juices to break them down
  • When the acidic juices mix with the alkaline juices they tend to neutralize each other
  • Thus, when starches and protein foods are eaten at the same meal, the digestion of both is slowed down and indigestion occurs
2. Do Not Slow Down Food That Digests Quickly
  • Foods digest at a different rate in different acid/ alkaline environments
  • When a food that breaks down quickly in the digestive system is behind a food that breaks down slowly, the digestive process is impaired
  • This causes indigestion, bloating, and poor simulation
The Four Golden Rules 1. Never Eat Proteins and Carbohydrates Together
  • Proteins go well with vegetables and carbohydrates go well with vegetables, but never mix the two
2. When Eating Fruit, Eat It Ripe and Never When Unwell
  • Fruit is often picked unripe to extend its shelf life, but if eaten, unripe fruit takes what it needs to ripen from the body
  • Fruit contains sugar, and all sugar feeds disease
  • Sugar is hard on the pancreas, and if the pancreas does not work well, the sugar goes into the bloodstream and feeds disease
  • Once you have achieved optimum health, 15% of you diet may be fruit
  • When drinking fruit juice, add 75 - 90% water
3. Never Eat Fruits and Vegetables Together
  • Fruits and vegetables digest at different rates
  • If consumed together, they can cause a backup in the digestive system and produce gas and bloating
4. Melons: Eat Them Alone or Leave Them Alone
  • Melons are high in sugar, so they should be avoided
  • However, if they are eaten, they digest very quickly, so they will collide with other foods in the digestive system
  • Once sitting in the system, they will ferment and cause uncomfortable gas
Note: When ill, eat 100% raw foods as the immune system needs full employment- not the
diversion cooked foods cause

When it comes to food most of us feel or think we need to keep a few nurturing supplies close by: chocolate, ice cream, chips, or just junk in general. We know that these foods are less than best, however; they are just comfort foods. Knowing that they are devoid of nutrients is of no consequence because it is our reward or savior after a day or week of stress.

How long have we been using food to nurture your stress? Are we aware of how much damage has been done to your body, your organs, and your cells? Do we need to manifest disease to be motivated to change your eating habits?

Why should we eat sprouted food? What do they mean by live food? Is sugar really worse than recreational drugs?

All these questions are food for thought. Please seek answers and read often. You can only be better and healthier, after all... what else is there in life?


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