No Attention - No Tension - No Pain

My yoga class on Thursday was the most relaxing one to date. I was able to focus on my breathing and not the pain and tension that arose as I transitioned from one posture to the next. I usually come out of floor bow and have fear of back pain moving into fix firm (you'll have to excuse me if you do not know these postures - love for you to come sit beside me). I am living proof that we create more pain and discomfort with our minds when we take our attention to the area that generates the most discomfort. I cannot express to you enough how easy that class felt. I am sure that most the pain I usually experience in yoga, and most likely in life, is in my head.

An extra note: I took it easy in most the postures, including the breathing exercises, and I am shocked to report that I was able to work deeper than ever. I got out of my own way and instead of muscling my way through the postures, I eased my way into them. I think I found peace! I am not yet certain, though, because I wasn't able to go to class yesterday and weekends are not doable yet. I will be keeping conscious track of this new peace in future classes.

Create peace in your yoga, hence; body - mind consciousness.


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