Hard Days and Breakthroughs

Life seems to be a constant roller coaster ride; some days are up and others days are way way down. In fact, one minute we feel unstoppable and the next we are hit by a tonne of bricks. How can this be - this rapid change of emotion and events? Is it the alignment of the stars or the size of the moon? Possibly. Life is full of happenings that are inconceivable to most of us. What we do know is some days are hard and other days are easy.

Yesterday, I woke up and it wasn't because I wanted to. It was because it was morning and the day was starting whether I liked it or not. As the minutes past I was able to talk myself out of doing the morning yoga class with 2 great excuses: possible groin injury and an opportunity to make it to the 4:15 pm. I know from personal and professional experience that this is a sure way to sabotage fitness goals by changing the plan. We have a plan that will keep us moving forward and committed to our goals. Fortunately, I went to the 4:15 pm class, however; my day didn't go by unscathed. My groin became more throbbing as I raised up this potential 'excuse-net' and my energy was darting and drained since my mind didn't have its calming morning activity. Class was hard, yet, my injury only throbbed in the first 10 minutes; then miraculously I never thought of it again. I think it helps having a friend training with you for support.

This morning, my friend and I (Meg) followed through with our morning commitment and to my surprise I had a few breakthroughs in class today (hard postures too, such as half moon). If we just get up and stick to the plan, unless of course an earthquake shatters the moment, even the daunting and methodical will reveal its higher purpose. YOU! Instead of getting in your own way with your thoughts and excuses, try stepping aside and watch your self grow.
Be Patient. Life is a journey after all.


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