Loving Your Self

Learning how to love yourself is a lifetime journey. We all have a story and we all have issues. We seem to be our own worst enemy, yet; people are seeking a way to be at peace with themselves, and with God. There has been a lot of damage done with religion; fear God, be damned to hell, you are born guilty, well, I could go on and on. Many people are grateful for a more peaceful outlook and a hope that there may be, "life after death", perhaps.

The best gift I have given myself is the gift of love. I have been searching for love my entire life, thinking that is was something I could find, or something that someone will give to me. A few years ago, I was told that I didn't love myself and I was offended, stupefied really. I mean, how could I not love myself when I ate so well, exercised often, and had lots of friends? My awareness came to me with a vengeance; all the abuse I gave myself in my head, the odd indulgence, and the guilt I carried with each occurrence.

At that time, I had learned that the hardest thing to do was forgive myself. Someone asked me, "Can you forgive yourself?", and my response was, "Of course, duh." I now truly understand when someone responds the same way when I ask them the same question. "Of course I forgive myself!" We are really good at lying to ourselves, and believing it. We are doing such a great job living an illusion and it is easier to remain in that place than it is to see our reality.

In a world that is changing fast, there is no time to put anything on hold anymore. At the top of your list should be YOU. Accept everything you have or haven't done, acknowledge why, allow new experiences, and forgive everything. If you can truly and honestly do this, then you will see the gifts that have been presented to you and the gratitude will rush through your entire being. This should be easy, however; it is human tradition to choose the pain and suffering route. So, suffer, feel the pain, and then...

Let go. Choose you. Choose ease. Choose love.

Oh, and if you didn't know, you are born innocent. This is not new age, it is the New Way!!!


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