Harmful Chemicals - Be in the Know

Do you know which ingredients are toxic in your food and home-care products? I am talking about chemicals that are known carcinogens and irritants to the human body. The government knows of them, and so should you. Here are four basics to help you become in the know:
  1. SLS/ SLES (Sodium Laurel Sulfate/ Sodium Laureth Sulfate)
    • engine degreaser, car wash sopas, garbage floor cleaner
    • toothpaste, baby wipes, shampoo, bubble bath, cosmetic cleaners
    • hair loss, damages immune system, improper development in children's eyes, cataracts in adults, skin irritant...
  2. Propylene Glycol
    • antifreeze coolants and heat transfer fluids, aircraft de-icing fluids, paint...
    • deodorant, conditioner, lotion, toothpaste, food, baby wipes...
    • CNS depressant, organ damage, headaches, nausea, liver abnormalities, kidney damage, dries skin from inside out...
  3. DEA or TEA (di/triethanolamine)
    • foam-boosting surfactant, polishers, machine lubricating liquids, pesticides...
    • shampoos, hair dyes, lotions, bath products, laundry and dish soaps
    • skin and eye irritant, liver/ kidney tumors, immunotoxin...
  4. Aluminum
    • manufacture of aircraft components, prosthetic devices
    • antiperspirants, sun care lotions, vaginal douches, over-the-counter meds (aspirin)
    • nerve damage and brain disorders (Alzheimer), liver/ kidney damage, low bone formation (breast cancer)
I will be providing more information soon... Keep Up-To-Date!!!!


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