Holding Tension in the Body - revised Nov 07/ 09

I had a challenging yoga session this morning (Feb. 06/ 08); led by one of Bikram's best - Frank Simek:) The challenge wasn't to do the class as much as it was to relax in the postures. Frank had said something, in his wonderful Czechoslovakian accent, that really made sense to me;

"Where we put our attention in our body is where we will feel the most."

He then went on to say that attention can be broken down to say at-tension (where the tension is at)! Brilliant Frank. We focus on our pain and tensions through awareness only to find out where the discomfort is and with that attention we get more of the same (tension, discomfort, pain!)

After a thorough discussion after class I am now excited for my yoga class tomorrow morning to see if I can actually let go of tension in my postures and find peace while holding balancing stick!


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